Akri tou dounia

Λέμε μερικές φορές ότι έχουμε κορεστεί, ότι ακούμε πολύ μουσική κι ότι είναι δύσκολο να ενθουσιαστούμε στο έπακρο. Αλλά η σπίθα δεν έρχεται από εμάς, τους «επαγγελματίες ακροατές», εμφανίζεται πάντα αστραφτερή επειδή οι μουσικοί έχουν πάντα τον έλεγχο της τέχνης τους, τη γνώση ενός ρεπερτορίου κι αυτόν τον επικοινωνιακό ενθουσιασμό που κάνουν και όλο φτάνει στα αφτιά και την ψυχή μας. read all press..

Les percussions persanes sont un arbre de rythmes. Cette arborescence, ramifiée à l?extrême, n?est pas seulement un fabuleux héritage. Elle est une syntaxe qui permet d?investir les musiques orales ou écrites du monde entier. Assumer les legs d?une tradition orale, développer des visées contemporaines : telles sont les déterminations de ce conservatoire familial incarné par Djamchid, Keyvan et Bijan Chemirani que l?Académie a tenu à saluer à travers son hommage. Djamchid Chemirani est né à Téhéran en 1942. read all press..

I first became aware of Mr. Petrakis through his work with Ross Daly, and purchased this on a whim.
Glad I did. The audio cut for the samples in no way does the full tracks justice.I read the phrase “Polishing the Diamond” in an interview with Bill Bruford (Yes, King Crimson, Earthworks jazz drummer). That is the best depiction of what Stelios has done with this album; all his work with multi-cultural multi-instrumentalists has been applied to this fruit (Orion) to perfection. read all press..
Mavra Froudia

Black Eyebrows introduces a superb Greek/Spanish/Iranian trio. These multi-instrumental virtuosi make dramatic yet elegant music – new, truly original, but richly informed by various venerable traditions. Stelios Petrakis is most especially a master of the Cretan lyra. As innovative luthier and exploratory player, he is a significant figure in the continuing development of an ancient, upright, uncannily ‘vocal’ fiddle. Efrén López plays very many things, most especially lutes (fretted and fretless) and hurdy gurdy. In this context, Bijan Chemirani is a very sensitive hand-drummer. Stelios Petrakis has a very attractive website with lucid English content and some superb videos: http://www.steliospetrakis.com/?lang=en
A jaw-dropping duo version of the album’s titlepiece (Celles Negres, or Black Eyebrows) is currently the 2nd video, here: http://www.steliospetrakis.com/multimedia/video?lang=en
English version of Efrén López’s site has a deliciously unconventional biography: http://www.efrenlopez.net/web_angles/angbio.htm
ABC Radio National